How to Talk About Diabetes-Related Technology

There have been many innovations in the technology that people with diabetes use to monitor their glucose levels and deliver insulin in recent years. Continuous glucose monitors (CGM), insulin pumps, and automated insulin delivery (AID) systems have all contributed to helping people better manage their diabetes. However, conversations around diabetes-related technology and devices can sometimes […]

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How to Talk About Diabetes-Related Medications

Whether it’s metformin, insulin, or newer medications like SGLT-2 inhibitors, GLP-1 receptor agonists, or dual agonists, there are dozens of helpful medications designed to help people with diabetes manage their glucose levels and reduce their risk for diabetes-related complications. However, conversations around diabetes medications, especially insulin, can be difficult and fraught with stigmatizing and judgmental […]

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Lightning Talks: Dr. James Gavin III on Stigma in Healthcare

James Gavin Headshot

Each year, diaTribe hosts the Lightning Talks, a virtual event that brings leading researchers, advocates, and health professionals together to educating people and raise awareness around diabetes stigma. In 2020, diaTribe hosted diabetes physician, researcher, and former President of the American Diabetes Association, Dr. James Gavin III, who gave a talk highlighting the physician’s perspective […]

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Lightning Talks: Nat Kendall-Taylor on Narrative Framing

Nat Kendall-Taylor Headshot

Each year, diaTribe hosts the Lightning Talks, a virtual event that brings leading researchers, advocates, and health professionals together to educating people and raise awareness around diabetes stigma. In 2020, diaTribe welcomed the CEO of the FrameWorks Institute, Nat Kendall-Taylor, who introduced us to the science of changing public perceptions through narrative creation and framing […]

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Diabetes, Obesity, and Stigma

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How do people living with diabetes navigate a world where on one hand they’re told ‘you can be healthy at any weight’ and on the other, ‘you need to lose weight to be healthier?’ All the while staying focused on keeping our glucose levels in healthy ranges? Today’s news and pop culture are full of […]

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Checking Our Bias: Removing Stigma in the Clinical Setting

Shot of a doctor examining a patient with a stethoscope during a consultation in a hospital

Definitions & Background Diabetes stigma includes the negative stereotypes, blame, judgment, and prejudice that people with diabetes (PWD) experience.1 This type of stigma can lead to discrimination; the unfair or prejudicial treatment of PWD.1  Research suggests as much as 80% of adults with diabetes report experiencing diabetes stigma2 coming from numerous sources: Healthcare professionals (HCPs), […]

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Creating a Stigma-Free Clinic

Providing the best care for people with diabetes means making sure that they feel welcome, supported, comfortable, and understood at every healthcare appointment they have. However, the physical environment and the equipment used throughout a healthcare visit can sometimes contribute to stigma. Here’s a checklist to help you set up a stigma-free clinic. Remove or […]

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